+49 176 8420 3231 contact@marian-hofmann.com
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Concept & Storyboard

Everyone knows how hard it can be to put their thoughts into words. Now you have to imagine how the whole thing can look like in a video? 

Often not an easy task, but exactly here we start!

Together we discuss your ideas and help to put your first ideas on paper. This is followed by a creative process in which I try to divide your words into coherent video sequences. All core statements will be taken into account and packed into a coherent story. In addition, I will show you realistic possibilities that contribute to the better implementation of your idea.

After the story is written, it’s time to get down to business.
Now the expenditure is determined and specified which support becomes necessary. Here it concerns for example questions like:

Is a speaker required?
Do we need actors or do you trust yourself in front of the camera?
„When and where is the best time for the shooting?“

Finally, we’ll talk about the possible scenes that will add that certain something to your video. We discuss exactly how your film can look like and my pictorial explanation makes sure that you can imagine it exactly that way! Please don’t underestimate how important it is for a smooth process to have comprehensive thoughts about your project in advance.
Time is money and so precise planning is all the more important!

Feel free to contact me and let us jointly produce a great result that will excite your audience.

Contact form Marian Hofmann

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